Caroline Crowe

With over 20 years experience in the fitness industry, Caroline is a highly respected and skilled trainer supporting those around her to achieve their best.

She originally trained at the prestigious ArtsEd School of Musical Theatre in London and worked professionally in theatre, TV and film for a number of years.  Her greatest accolades have been appearing as a Principal Singer in the international phenomenon Riverdance performing to audiences of thousands in the US, Europe and UK. Creating the role of a ZUMBA Instructor in the hit BBC comedy Miranda and having the opportunity to perform to members of the Royal Family on several occasions.

Caroline has been a Zumba Education Specialist since 2009 and has represented the brand at a number of UK and International Fitness Conventions and events.  She regularly teaches instructor training courses across the country for new instructors as well as speciality trainings for Aqua ZUMBA and ZUMBA Toning. Caroline has been featured teaching on BBC Breakfast, ITV’s This Morning, The Alan Titchmarsh Show, QVC and has been in many ZUMBA instructor DVDs, online videos and as a lead avatar on the ZUMBA XBox game.

Caroline also works with other UK training providers as a tutor and assessor for fitness qualifications and awards. She worked alongside EMD UK in the creation of the first professional dance fitness award - The ZUMBA Combo for which she was nominated as an Activity Champion at the UK Active Training Awards.

Now specialising in women’s health and fitness, Caroline holds many specialist qualifications in pregnancy and postnatal exercise. As well as training other instructors on how to work with this group, Caroline has consulted for groups and organisations on activity during pregnancy and has supported Sport England on their This Mum Can campaign, Our Parks on their “Couch to Pregnancy” and “Couch to Postnatal” programs and is credited by The Active Pregnancy Foundation for working on “Your Guide to Dancing During Pregnancy & Beyond”.

As well as working with personal clients during the week, Caroline also teaches weekly ZUMBA, Aqua ZUMBA, Aqua Fit, Strong Nation and Pilates classes in the local area.

When not moving, or helping others to, Caroline is a mum to two young boys. Her favourite pastime is to enjoy a quiet mug of hot coffee - although this rarely happens.

“I’ve always enjoyed exercise and activities of any kind: sports, fitness, dance. Not to say I was any good at some of them, but I’d have a go. It’s here where I believe many people struggle with keeping active. If you find something you enjoy, it doesn’t seem like a chore to do.

My mantra is that doing something is better than doing nothing. However, I can personally appreciate how even that can be challenging when you’re 9 months pregnant and are exhaustedly trying to do the shopping, or when you’ve seen every hour in the night feeding a baby. Finding time for yourself and your body is important. But how and when you can fit this into your life can deter many from starting in the first place.

It’s here where I believe I can help you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve always been fit and active or if you’ve done very little before I will support you by creating the right plan for you.”

Other relevant experience

  • Working mum

  • Pilates instructor

  • ZUMBA® Education Specialist (ZES)

  • Aqua ZUMBA® Instructor

  • ZUMBA® Instructor

  • Strong Nation Instructor

  • EMD UK Ambassador

  • Fitness Industry Tutor & Assessor

  • Competitive Athletics (Heptathlon & Throws)

  • Marathon Runner

  • Fitness modelling competitor

  • Superhuman Games competitor

  • This Mum Moves Ambassador


  • Level 1 - Modern Pregnancy Exercise & Wellness

  • Level 1 - Modern Post Natal Exercise & Wellness

  • Level 2 - Advanced Pregnancy Wellness Practitioner

  • Level 2 - Advanced Postnatal Wellness Practitioner

  • Level 2 - Gym Instructor

  • Level 2 - Exercise To Music

  • Level 2 - Exercise, Movement & Dance

  • Level 2 - Exercise & Movement

  • Level 3 - Personal Trainer

  • Level 3 - Pre & Post-Natal Exercise design

  • Level 3 - Diploma in Pilates Matwork

  • Level 3 - Award in Education & Training (PTLLS)

  • Level 3 - Award in Assessing Vocationally Related Achievement

  • Level 3 - Pilates Reformer Stage One - MK Pilates (in progress)

  • OCR Certification in Pilates Matwork from The Pilates Institute

  • FitPro - Pilates for Pregnancy CPD

  • Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA) Certification

  • Hydro-Actif Shallow Water Certification

  • Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance (ISTD) Modern Dance Associate

  • First Aid at Work plus Emergency Paediatric certificate

Memberships & Accreditations

  • CIMSPA - Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity

  • EMD UK - National Governing Body for Group Exercise

  • ZIN - ZUMBA Instructor Network

  • Active Pregnancy Foundation - This Mum Moves Ambassador