PreGNANCY & post natal

Exercise and pregnancy

Historically, pregnancy was seen as a time when you should cease all activity and spend nine months as a couch potato – thankfully not anymore!  Modern-day studies have shown that pregnancy and post natal exercise is not only ok, but is actually recommended and extremely beneficial during pregnancy.

The Chief Medical Officers Guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a week.

“I like to think of exercise during this period as “damage limitation”. A woman’s body goes through a lot to grow a baby. With the correct support and training ladies can feel strong, healthy and great throughout the nine month journey.”

Caroline will work with you safely and effectively, throughout your pregnancy and beyond, to benefit both you and your baby.


During pregnancy your body will be constantly changing and adapting to accommodate the growing baby, which needs to be reflected in the training you undertake.  Caroline will be on hand to guide you through and ensure you train safely and effectively, whilst maximising the benefits such as:

  • Maintaining fitness.

  • Reduced muscular discomfort/back pain.

  • Reduced excessive weight gain.

  • Easier, shorter labour.

  • Quicker post natal recovery.

  • Improved circulation.

Additional specialist support with many pregnancy-related conditions such as:

  • Pelvic floor weakness

  • Pelvic girdle pain

  • Back pain


The addition of a new baby is a difficult time for anyone and takes a lot of getting used to as you get to know your baby.  Exercise has a great many benefits during this time, which can speed up your recovery and make this period of your life even more enjoyable:

  • Improved stamina and energy.

  • Increased local muscular endurance.

  • Improved posture.

  • Increased weight loss.

  • Reduced stress and anxiety.

Additional specialist support with many postnatal conditions such as:

  • Diastasis Recti

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction

  • C-section recovery

Returning to exercise can seem a scary and daunting prospect after becoming a mum. You’re time short and constantly tired yet know how much better you’ll feel once you do something. This is why I designed this 8 week rehab course “Back to Me”.

These 8, 1 hour face-to-face sessions will be designed for your body. For the journey you’ve been through both during pregnancy and your experience of labour.

When can I return to exercise? Every woman is different. Gentle rehab can be started once you feel ready and any postnatal bleeding has stopped. After a screening session, if I feel that it’s too soon for you to start back just yet we will wait.

I’ve been diagnosed with Diastasis Recti (abdominal separation) can these sessions help me? Yes. I’ve supported many women, including myself through the exercises required to rehab this condition.

My pelvic floor isn’t what it used to be. Is this normal postnatally? Yes and no. Those muscles have been under a huge amount of stress during pregnancy so rehab work with the pelvic floor and core muscles is a key part of this program. My aim is to leave you will a stronger pelvic floor and the knowledge and understanding of how to future-proof these muscles.

Where will these sessions take place? They can either be in our private studio in Send or I can travel to you.

Is it ok to have my baby with me whilst I train? Yes, that’s no problem at all. They’re a part of your life now and I appreciate this may involve dealing with feeds and naps during the session.

What if I’m exhausted and we have a session planned? Again this is no problem. The workouts are very low in intensity so you should feel able to do them even after a long night. If you feel unable to train let me know as soon as possible and we can reschedule or I can support you with an online workout for later that day when you feel ready.

If you have any other questions please let me know. I’m happy to help.

PRICE: 8 x 1 hour training sessions - £350 If you want to continue training after this time sessions will be charged at the regular PT pricing.